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The Lovely April Is With Me To Talk About Her Fab New Book..Marilyn Monroe..A Day In The Life..Lots Of New Info!!

I talk to my series partner in crime, and pal April Vevea Chambers on her really great book, Marilyn Monroe: A Day In The Life..Which is really many days in the life. April covers everything from her birth til the legacy of today. There are so many things that I never knew. You all know from listening to April that she knows her stuff. April has personal letters, receipts, documents, and so much more. April has a great take on Marilyn..Some Marilyn fans take major offense and block her..HA!! April talks about the human being that is Marilyn. It’s over 400 pages and meticulously researched.. You will love this book. 

Much thanks to April for coming on the show. I truly love her, and admire her depth of knowledge, especially about Classic Hollywood blondes. 

Her book will be everywhere but right now you can get it here.

Her website

Mostly thanks to you wonderful listeners. I appreciate you all so much..

Much love,


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