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Part 2 I Speak To Author Ryan Uytdewilligen About His Book Killing John Wayne: The PartMaking of the Conqueror..Truly One Of the Worst Films Of All Time..Did Film Kill John Wayne??

I talk to Ryan Uytdewilligan about his wonderful book Killing John Wayne: The Making Of The Conquerer.  It's a fascinating read about one of the most horrible films ever made. John Wayne as Gengis Kahn..What was he thinking?? Also about the film location being where nuclear fallout was. Did over 200 + people die of cancer that worked on the  film because of the nukes? Was it more then 200 +?? Did John Wayne get cancer because of that film, or cigarettes, or a combo of both?? Was Howard Hughes an indirect murderer?? Its also very timely because of the…


I SpeakTo Author Ryan Uytdewilligen About His Book Killing John Wayne: The Making of the Conqueror..Truly One Of the Worst Films Of All Time..Did Film Kill John Wayne??

I talk to Ryan Uytdewilligan about his wonderful book Killing John Wayne: The Making Of The Conquerer.  It's a fascinating read about one of the most horrible films ever made. John Wayne as Gengis Kahn..What was he thinking?? Also about the film location being where nuclear fallout was. Did over 200 + people die of cancer that worked on the  film because of the nukes? Was it more then 200 +?? Did John Wayne get cancer because of that film, or cigarettes, or a combo of both?? Was Howard Hughes an indirect murderer?? Its also very timely because of the…


I Speak To Brian Hannan From The Blog The Magnificent 60s About The Making Of The Misfits…Clark Gable And Marilyn Monroes Final Film..One more time!!

Here we go again!! Fingers crossed this posts everywhere. Its supposed to finally fixed. I have sent this show out so many times. The fabulous Rachel emailed me that none of my shows had been loaded to other podcast hosting sites. If this goes through I will fill you in later. Thanks so much RACHEL!!! show description I found the delightful Brian while I was searching for info on a really creepy B flick, Stark Fear. When I found the blog I spent a couple hours reading Brian's reviews and behind the scenes info. I had watched the Misfits when I…


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