I Talk To Actor And Cardiologist Rico Simonini On Producing And Starring As Old Blue Eyes Himself In Film Frank And Ava
This is a great tale of a guy from Brooklyn, that wanted to be a DR. He moved to L.A. and became a cardiologist and ended up starring in Frank And Ava. You will love Rico...I love that name. He is adorable. WE also talked about playing an icon that everybody knows. I believe there is extra scrutiny put on the actor. Good listen. You can catch Frank And Ava on Amazon Prime. https://www.amazon.com/Frank-Ava-Rico-Simonini/dp/B07Q1NHTCL/ref=sr_1_2?crid=32Y0N42LDW0SH&keywords=frank+and+ava+movie&qid=1655296298&s=instant-video&sprefix=Frank+And+Ava%2Cinstant-video%2C84&sr=1-2 Thanks so much to Rico. He was a lot of fun, and one interesting Doctor/actor/man.. Thanks so much to my listeners. YOU ARE DA BEST!! Love,…